Have you been making plans to move from your current location?
Relocating to a new home can be one of the most memorable events in your life. You may have just gotten a new job in a big city and you need a new apartment to work from. Or you could get a pay raise and decide to get a bigger and nicer apartment. Never a bad idea. It’s even better when you do it with family. Be it a newlywed couple or a family of five, moving can always be fun.
But we’re currently in a rather unusual situation. A time where a lot of people would prefer to stay at home than go out. A period where we want do not want to do anything that can put us in danger of getting infected with COVID-19. Therefore, if you are thinking of relocating, there are a lot of questions you would need to seek answers to.
Should I make the move? Currently, at least 31 states are planning to reopen the economy. Therefore, movement should be a lot easier. Yet, there could be a couple of reasons. Health experts warn that people with underlying health issues such as diabetes and cancer are more prone to the illness and they have a higher chance of succumbing to the virus than other people when infected. If you or a member of your family has such health problems, you might consider ruling out a move at least for the time being.
What if I booked with my Moving Company and Want a Refund? After thinking it through, you might decide not to make the move at all. It could be that it is something you can postpone without much trouble or there are health concerns for either yourself or your family members. You will new to contact your moving company to find out if you can get a refund or if rescheduling is the only option on the table.
How can my “stuff” be assessed? Before moving, it is the usual practice to first decide the quantity (usually calculated from the standpoint of volume, although weight may also be taken into consideration) of what you want to be transported and the price you’ll be charged for it. Ask the moving company you are considering what ways this can be done. Do you have to open your doors for a physical assessment, or can the company arrange for you to do a virtual inspection? Lately, moving companies have been organizing virtual assessments and people are getting used to it.
The idea is to limit physical contact as much as is possible. Studies show that 25% of people who get COVID-19 do not show symptoms at all and can still move around as normally as every average healthy human being. This means that they can transmit the virus unknowingly to another person who could get very sick without having the slightest idea where the virus came from. Besides, when someone visits your home it is hard to track where they might have touched so you can disinfect those places afterward.
With a good camera, you can take shots of your items, record videos, or have a live session with your moving company to evaluate them. And you would still achieve pretty much the same result you will get from a physical assessment.
What Safety Measures Are in Place? This should be the top of your concerns. You will need to know what precautions the moving company is taking to protect both workers and customers and reduce the risk of the transmission of coronavirus to the barest minimum. The current situation dictates that businesses do not wait until a worker shows up at the office with COVID-19 symptoms before they step up hygiene and safety measures.
What are their guidelines for delivering and handling packages? Are workers mandated to wear face masks? Are there hand sanitizers and disinfectants available? A lot of moving companies have adopted the method of wrapping boxes and packages with thin plastic sheets to prevent contamination. You should ask your moving company what methods they have also chosen. Don’t be afraid to make any suggestions you feel might better keep you and your family secure.
Are all the Necessary Equipment Available? Does the moving company have the right truck size? Or would they need to make an extra trip before all your belongings are dropped in your new home? You need to make certain that you’re comfortable with what they’re offering you in this regard.
The goal should be to minimize the time spent transporting everything, and if it’s possible to do it in one trip, that’s a very good thing.
What About Storage Facilities? If you have got items that would need to be preserved for the duration of the journey, you’ll need to ensure that your moving company has those storage facilities available and they work in a safe and proper way. If your moving company uses storage units provided by third parties, you may want to get all the necessary information and examine them personally.
Are There Sufficient Experienced Hands? Sometimes, moving companies become understaffed and so they turn to students who may be on vacation or persons who are just looking to earn a few dollars on the side. The risk with these kinds of workers is that their lack of experience could be costly when handling fragile or precious belongings. If you have sensitive materials among your things then it’s best to go for a company that has experienced workers available.
It’s not necessarily bad that a moving company is using fresh hands, however. After all, the economic turmoil is making many people seek employment anywhere they can find it. What is important is to be clear with the moving company about specific items that require experienced handling. A good company will work with that without any fuss.
Getting the right moving company to help you relocate can be the first milestone in the journey. With the right people, you will save time, money, and go through the process with a good deal of calm. You have done the stressful job of planning your relocation and you need a moving company that will ensure your peace of mind and the safety of your belongings.
You would also need a steady, experienced moving company that will do a perfect job or at least not ruin your plans. Another important thing is the level of precautions they have taken during this pandemic.
A company’s health safety policies at the time is a representation of what they are about and how much they value the lives of their workers as well as their customers. So when choosing a moving company, choose wisely.